**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 F-8E Crusader - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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LOL....never gave the deadline a thought. Just checked and boy was I wrong, figured it was the end of Dec. No biggie. Just need to paint the exhaust, gloss coat, decal and flat coat. Fiddly bits are done and waiting
Many thanks. Still getting used to where and what to mask; this consumes way too much of my time. Exhaust and whatever the rectangalzoid is supposed to be in front of the tail feather attachment point now painted. There is no paint call out for it in the instructions but it is shown in the decal placement diagrams. On the real aircraft it seems to mark the limits of the stabilizers. A few more touch-ups and I can gloss coat

Thanks guys. That it is Terry. I really miss this era with all the bright markings. In the way back when, after they changed to greys and low contrast markings, an admiral was asked why the boring looking aircraft and he replied something along the lines of "better a boring aircraft than a missing one"

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