I didn't quite like the gear legs enough to keep them as is, Kirby. The remnants of the molded brake lines, even though painting helped mask them, bothered me.
When something bothers me, I am compelled to wipe it clean and start again! This time, I ground down the molded brake lines with Dremel. And instead of Tamiya tape, I made the straps out of thin brass sheeting superglued into place so that it could handle the wash treatment later on.
Here's a look a the gear legs with the new brake lines in place. A much cleaner look.
I've primed the legs and have painted the oleos Alclad Chrome. I'll let this dry for a good 24 hours before masking and painting.
Doing some bits and ends now... the tall tail fin has been glued into place and the glue seam eradicated with putty and careful sanding. The rudder has not yet been glued on.
I damaged the wafer thin gun barrel on the AMUR Reaver spinner.
I sawed it off and replaced with a piece of plastic rod.
The fuselage cannon were taken from the kit and glued into place. Of course, the ends have been carefully hollowed out.
The tires were painted a custom mix of grey/black/brown while the wheels were painted black. Everything was given a brown pastel wash to dirty things up. I will still perform some more weathering on the tires.
The tail wheel and long strut has been painted and weathered as well.
Finally, I've glued into place the sidewalls for the wheel wells. I like how Revell has completely blocked off the wheel wells with detailed walls. I am not going to attempt to replicate any canvas covering here but I might add some wiring to add some visual interest.