**** DONE: GB-36 1:48 Me-410B-2/U4 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WW2

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The colours look fine Jeff - remember that the mottle on the real aircraft was mainly lightly sprayed, so a thinner coat. Any slight difference in shade on the model is more than acceptable, and once the main colours go on, it'll blend in perfectly.
Nice job on the blades and mottles Jeff. Another method I've used with success is to print the mottles on clear decal paper and then cut them out individually or in small strips. I use Paint.net as a photo editor so its probably more involved than Photoshop. First I get a line drawing of my subject (or use the kit instructions so you can trace over the mottles) and place it in Paint.net and add a layer to place the color(s) on. I get the RGB info from The Ultimate Model Paint Conversion Chart and add it to my palette; in this case RLM 74 is 6B6D64. Using the paintbrush tool I lay out my pattern on the line drawing. I then use the "Gaussian Blur" tool to create the spray-brush effect. You then eliminate the bottom layer containing the line drawing and are left with the mottles. Then its just a matter of cut/pasting these together to eliminate decal paper waste and then print

I'm sure other photo editors have a spray-brush tool making this a whole lot simpler
Last update for today. Top of wings are now painted. Everything will be left until tomorrow. At some point a spray of future will be applied to protect the finish and eventually I will decal the wings before attaching them to the fuselage. Still a bit to do but it is starting to look like an aircraft now. Tough to get a good photo using the flash, it tends to wash out colour and there was no natural light left when I took these pics but you will get an idea of how they look. A couple of minor touch ups to follow.


Wings are decalled as is the rear of the fuselage. Letting the decals set overnight then I will spray a coat of future on them. I have to finish masking the canopy and get it done so that I can attach it and finish off the front end of the aircraft.

Sadly I managed to destroy the prop spinner swirly thingamajigs so I guess I will have naked spinners. Oh well.


Thanks Andy...I promise to do better next time on the Swastikas. Here is how she sits right now. It is very close, in fact with any luck I will finish her tomorrow. A few touchups, and few tiddly bits, some front end decals and some dull coat and some luck and she will be done.

This cold spell has kept many inside for the past two weeks and yours truely is included in that. I tried to be productive, vacuumed, work bench, did dishes, work bench, went to the landfill, work bench, cooked a couple of meals, work bench etc etc etc.



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