**** DONE: GB-36 1:48 Nakajima A6M2-N Rufe - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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nice work. I don't have the courage, the skill or even the heart to take a model and make it look like its unloved and uncared for.

Still you add a lot of class to the concept of "weather beaten"
Got some more done today. Canopy masked and attached, Fuselage painted and now curing as I type. Gap along port side of canopy/fuselage will be taken care of after first coat of paint is good and dry.

Starboard side of canopy was spot on so I will leave it alone.

Should not be too much longer with this one and then onto the 410 certainly by the Christmas break!


More progress from late this afternoon/early evening. Tail planes now attached and fuselage partially weathered. Will finish that after I have applied the decals. Fuselage not yet glued to pontoon but I am thinking there is only another hour or so of work to be done before I call this one finished. Anyhow, here are some more pics to show where she stands as of now.



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