**** DONE: GB-36 1/72 BF 109E-4 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Pretty much dissipated overnight. Smoke and haze is gone finally, after 4 days of threatening images. Turned out to be a mouse, not a lion. I'm relieved.

Oh, and the LG is reattached. re-drilled the holding mounts, shortened the stubs that go into those holes, glued them in place. Still sitting away from the body of the aircraft but not as noticeably. I think they look okay. Will post some photos tonight
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Very nearly finished. have decided not to apply weathering effects. Everything is on now, a bit of clean up to do. Will post photos soon, probably today

Thanks everyone.
well here it is. I can see that I have not actually solved the LG issue. I thought that I had , trimming back at least 1mm off the top of the strut and widening the holding log. The problem seems to be simply that the covers are sitting too far down on the strut.

I am loathe to pull the thing apart and try again. All the fragile bits are now in place and there is a high risk of damage.

Generally I'm happy with the way this build turned out. I made a really staggering series of errors with this build, but with help managed to overcome most of them. Getting the paint colours was a real challenge as was the decal debacle. I am happy how the solutons for those issues turned out.

I'm disappointed that I could not get the engine cowl to sit flat and be detachable. On the plus side, I think my canopy is pretty good and whilst no-one commented, I experimented with more natural treatments of the tyre colours. ive again fitted brake lines to the struts, which at 1/72 scale is not easy. I'm very happy with the way the interior and the IP turned out and the additional cost of the armament was also worth it . The aftermarket seat was a good buy and worked out well.

I don't think everything about this build went badly. in fact I think most of it is fine. But I am keenly aware of the failures as well, and they are there for all to see......

Turned out decent Michael. Yes, the landing gear is noticeably off - not stuck in far enough and a bit too upright. Also watch your tailplane alignment. I notice a slight upward tilt of the port one vs the one on the other side. These are things that really affect the judging scores and something to watch for.

I say these things because I know you are receptive to constructive comments and that you always look for ways to improve so there's some quick feedback. All in all, a decent build.

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