**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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They call them little round of flat clear Landing lights??????
THESE are Landing lights..... from clear sprue, 3 mm diameter with a .6mm dia white rod
stuck in a hole from behind!
Works for me!

Now will someone tell me why I have two bombas, for a four bomba capable load B-25?????
And the mods just keep coming.......
The cockpit somewhat ready......
Then the is the top turret position. Now why didn't they provide a Seat.
From photos I have dug up, mainly from Sine Scale Model. It appears the seat may have been a Harley bike seat complaete with springs, I didn't add them. The guns are a bit floppy, so I am modifying the hole for the cross bar, not shown here......

Thanks again fellas.
So I was doing some final fitting top turret, floor, cockpit adding some radio equip etc.
And what to my surprise???? The floor hatch is in the wrong place.
I want to add the folded floor access to the ladder and it's Under the turret swivel.
I'll have to move the bloody thing.

Have you shortened the entrance hatch Bill ?
Although the hatch is under the turret post, there was still plenty of room to gain entry.
Far as I know, there wasn't a hinged 'floor' cover over the forward, outward opening hatch, although there was on the rear hatch.
I recall a RAF aircrew member account describing how he stood on the (forward) hatch to move up into the cockpit, and it fell open, but not fully due to the slipstream, as it hadn't been properly latched. Fortunately, he was able to close and lock the hatch.
It looks good, Bill. You only have to fine-tune the details that you consider of that hatch.
I like the appearance, until now, of that head light.


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