**** DONE: GB-41 1/48 Curtiss P-40E - PTO from 1937

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I don't know why, but the AMTech P-40E comes with two fuselages, I can't see any differences between them at all. I haven't been able to find an answer to this mind boggling question but I have two of the kits and both have the duel fuselage issue. The P-40F/L I have of theirs does not.

As to your question Geo, I am using the Testors acrylic green chromate. I don't like it as it is too light but it is what I have and can't get anything else for now.
Started a little on the PE work and glueing the engine cowling/exhaust covers on. From what Geo said and the reviews I found on the web, this is not disappointing as I expected it.

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Yep, looking good Don. I'd tend to agree with Andy regarding those cowl panels - probably better to fit them after joining the fuselage, if it's possible.

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