Just an FYI here. Back in March I posted in the 'Recent Purchases" thread this...
"I bought some Tamiya Panel Line paint a while ago and they recommend using their cotton swabs to remove the excess. A quick check online shows the price to be about $4.80ish for 50. Just came back from the pharmacy and got 120 for $4.99."
For this model I've used 20+ "Nail Tees" and they work great. You can see the cost benifits here. I've also used normal Q-Tips and they work just as well though there is a chance of the Q-Tip losing fibres. The plus of the "Nail Tees" is that they can get into corners and smaller areas
Panel lines are done and will be over-coated tomorrow. Doing the little breaky-offy bits now. Why can't they put the attachment point on the sprue.......
Thank you. At the just about stage now, canopy, antenna and a few touch-ups. Hard to dirty up an NMF aircraft. Though its hard to see, I used Citadels Sepia wash around the wing roots and inspection panels. I got lazy and tried to use the wing walk decal; this promptly shattered so I painted it on like I should have in the first place. It kinda made me shudder a bit when I thought about how lucky I was with the probably irreplaceable tail markings.
The telescopic gun-sight through the windscreen was a right pain in the keester to install