Thanks Andy - still working on the exhausts a bit at a time. It's a tad tricky, with my knackered hands, and I'm starting to ache.
Meanwhile, the first, thin coat of Medium Sea Grey has been sprayed on the underside, using the new ( to me) Colourcoats enamel (formerly WEM).
I still have to get to grips with the best thinning ratio (the first coat was slightly over-thinned I think), but it sprayed very nicely, although a little patchy, due to the thinning. I'll leave this overnight, and do another coat tomorrow, if possible (I have a scheduled hospital appointment tomorrow, so don't know how much time I'll have).
The airbrush started to pick up a bit of moisture, which I managed to spot in the filter just as it started to spray, fortunately
not on the model, and I reckon it was due to the temperature in the room (no heating on) and the damp air hanging over this darned town.
Consequently, the airbrush and water trap /filters have been stripped down, thoroughly cleaned and dried, and re-assembled, and spray just fine, with neat thinners.
I also used this paint to brush-paint the undercart doors, and it went on very nicely and smoothly, without brush marks, in one coat.
As my eyes are now tired, and hands and wrists ache, I'm going to have a break from the bench tonight, and go for a couple of pints of pain killer !