**** DONE: GB-43 1/32 Spitfire Mk.VIII - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Thanks chaps, and yes Andy, it's a strange one, and the 'effect' always seems to be enhanced if there are no other colours alongside. That said, the lighting is really glaring, low-angle sun, and the base the model is standing on is really a sandy brown colour !!

The paint seems to be settling well, and has a nice smooth matt finish, with a slight sheen, just like the real thing, although of course this will change with the clear coats.
All being well, I should be able to get the Dark Green done tomorrow, as planned, and meanwhile, I've been doing a bit more on the Hurricane.
The Dark Green has been sprayed successfully, done freehand (no masks) following lightly pencilled lines denoting the camouflage pattern.

I seem to have got the hang of the thinning ratio needed for the Colourcoats paints, which are better with less thinners than I'd use with MM, Humbrol or Xtracolor enamels, being around 40-45% thinners to paint. Testing the 'flow' down the side of the plastic shot glasses I use for mixing, it flowed ever so slightly 'heavier' than milk (the usual 'bench mark'), but sprayed easily and smoothly, with a good, even coverage.
There are a couple of small areas I need to correct, shown by the arrows in the pics below, where the camouflage pattern is not quite right and, on the starboard wing, over the wheel bay blister, the green is a little thin, the result of awkward spraying angles and / or poor light, but these are easily remedied.
I'll let the paint harden overnight, before doing the corrections tomorrow, and then remove the masking tape from the underside, re-touch if required, and then start on the panel lines, paint fading / weathering, and add some dust effects.

Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 488.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 489.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 491.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 492.JPG
Thanks, Wojtek and Hugh.

I didn't get the corrections done today as my wrists were a bit stiff. Would have been difficult, and probably painful, trying to manipulate the model and airbrush to achieve the angles required for neat work. Should get it done tomorrow though.
Did a bit more on the Hurricane instead.
Got the camouflage pattern corrected, and just got to do a little re-touching of some of the Dark Green, once the paint has dried fully, then it's back on track, and get the wing-walk lines painted (don't like using the decals, even if cut into sections), and start on the panel lines and weathering etc.
Pics sometime tomorrow.
Tricky thing, trying to correct camouflage - can't find the lines easily !
I've got me coat ...................
I didn't get the corrections done today as my wrists were a bit stiff. Would have been difficult, and probably painful, trying to manipulate the model and airbrush to achieve the angles required for neat work.

Don't you just hate it when you can't move your fingers to do what you want them to do?
Brain says move here, fingers aren't listening!!!!!
Speshly when masking. "now why did You put that There"?????
We persevere, albeit slowly.
Thanks Wayne.
Finished the re-touching, on a couple of small areas I missed, under the tail planes, and now masking ready to paint the wing walk lines. Should have some pics later tonight.
The camouflage pattern corrections have been done, masking removed from the underside, and the wing walk lines masked and painted.
There are just a couple of small spots on the underside which need retouching, around the cannons and under the trailing edge of the port wing, where a little of the upper surface colour seeped, but easily corrected.
Once that's done, some panel lines can be highlighted, lightly, the first stage of weathering carried out, and then a gloss coat applied.

Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 498.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 493.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 495.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 499.JPG
Spit MkVIII 32nd scale build 502.JPG

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