**** DONE: GB-43 1:72 Ju87 G/D - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Well I suppose fortunately ( model wise) the weather here on the wet coast is doing what it does best so it frees up some time to make scarce ! Interior is painted up. Next challenge is to improve the bumhooley looking exhaust stacks before I close up the fuselage. I have a spare set of stacks from a Spitfire (PTO build) and a broken off He 111 engine nacell in my scrap box that still has the stacks on it, something...anything will look better than what's there now ! The port side fuselage has several short shots in it as well that need some work.

Hacking holes. Behold, the Jumo/Rolls hybrid. I ended up using the extra pair of stacks from the Spitfire, the ones from my 111 engine were just too difficult to shape the right way. I had to cut them lengthwise and I fumbled the first one pretty good so they got tossed.


They are a bit too round. I was going to use the ones from the Heinkel but I messed it up when I went to cut one. I still might try making a set.
Progress report. Now that I'm no longer busy floating in my pool with a Kokanee hanging out of my face due to the 3 week early onset of the October-June monsoon season here on the wet coast, I'm back to hiding inside ( global warming ? don't get me started ! ) I wasn't to happy with the exhaust stacks. I managed to find a pair of stacks from an old Airfix P-39 kit I bought 45 years ago and never built. A bit of filing and re shaping and I think they fit the mold a lot better. The inlet and outlet for the radiator fairing is far to large so I added a few fillets to tighten it up. The radiator itself does not fit and is somewhat of a joke so I built a new one that looks more the part. The plastic is old and quite nasty...brittle as well. I've test fitted the wings and in short....they don't fit....ok they sort of do....if they were originally fastened with nails and duct tape. I can see where Michael ran into grief. We're talking " bondo bucket deluxe ! And to think one of my hobbies is (was) restoring 50 year old Datsuns !! onward we go.


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