**** DONE: GB-43 1:72 Ju87 G/D - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Still raining, snuck out to vote, otherwise hiding in my hole. Some progress is being made. The prop sits on a large pin that fits inside the engine. The engine doesn't fit worth beans and with the exhausts I made forget it. I mounted the prop on a pin inside some tube from a hypodermic needle. Spins real nice !

I want to have the cockpit open and the kit glazing is way to thick and not very transparent so I ended up making my own. It's a bit misshapen but I doubt it will be too noticeable once the frames are painted up.

Did you make your own vac forming rig Graham?

I did, it's pretty cheesy but it works, used an old flash light, some 1/2 inch expanded metal screen, shop vac and a toaster oven. I first made it years ago when I was building a Blohm Voss 141, posted pics of the build here. I gave up on the kiln, too hot and would cause the plastic to have little blisters. Toaster oven works perfect, well apart from when it caught fire !

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Purely for your amusement. Said toaster oven. It played out like this. I was making a mold and the mold compound wasn't drying. Figured I'll put it in the toaster oven to warm it up. Set the temp control to 120f and the timer to 20 minuits. Then the war dept, called me for something. When I came back after about 10 minuits there was a nice little ( what GM refers to as a) thermal event happening. I kind of panicked and used the first thing I could grab and stuffed it in the oven. It happened to be the towel I clean my air brushes on and it sort of turned the thermal event into a bit of an explosion. I pulled the power cord out and carried the flaming hulk to the laundry tub and ran water over it til it was out. Ok the public service part. If you want to warm something in a toaster oven. Make sure you set the control knob on "bake" not toast ! Still works though. Stinks a bit.


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