**** DONE GB-43 1/72 Spitfire Mk. XIV - Aces' Aircraft of all Eras

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Not dissing what you did Bill. I think the finish looks very good. Just trying to raise awareness in the spirit of learning.
Been doing some sign writing in Portland NSW with my friends the Wall Nuts,
then I've go to finish up a project for the wife.
I'm building her a folding top sewing table, she's waiting far too long.
Then to the Spit, maybe some time for it tomorrow.
Very transparent indeed. Problem is, you never know until the decal is on. The only thing that could have saved it would have been to pull the decal off right away before it set and replace it on the backing. Then mask and paint a white circle where the decal will go, then reapply the decal onto the white circle. I remember the early Tamiya Spitfire kits actually gave you white decals to go under the already thick roundels.
It is very large image ( 4032x1960 pixels ) . If you don't use the option "Full image" but just the "Thumbnail" one, it is always displayed as a small pic. Its size doesn't depend on us but on the forum system. It can't be changed I would say because it is the constant value coded by the soft programmer. I would suggest checking on setting of your camera. There should be an option for setting of the pic size of the taken images. So.. if you set e.g. the width 1200 or so pixels ( 1600 pix is the forum preferred max size ) for a such pic , you may attach it here and display as the full image with no problem. The forum system should adjust the pic for dispalying on all screen sizes. Also check if there is a pic browser on your phone that allows to resize the taken images. You should do that before uploading and posting here.


your pic after resizing down to the 1600 pixels in the width and displaying as the adjusted full image. Still large and requiring the forum pic browser to be displayed as the image of the full size but enough large to be readable.

your pic after cropping and resizing down to the 1200 pixels in the width. Still requiring the forum pic browser for full displaying but it seems to be bigger than the one of 1600 pix, doesn't it?

As I stated, it was from my phone, so didn't know how it would go.
Thought it would be too F'n big. I've adjusted it.

Yes, it will be posted by its ownself.
262 in Start To Finish (S2F).........
Just post when you can in the next couple of days Bill. We'll still look at it. Personally, I take all my pics indoors anyway. It's not the end of the world.

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