My eyes....................... my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!
So here's what I ended up doing.
After shaping the cradle by the instructions;
I dropped the loop over the rod adding one drop of thin CA cement under the flat part of the cradle.
I then did let this set as I described before, but less CA.
As in the photo the first PAINTED "bomba" has two pins, I painted all the bombs!!!!!!!
I removed these pins carefully with a scalpel so I could see the locations.
I then drilled Only the Forward pin location with a 0.5mm drill using my dremmel on a slow speed.
The forward pin location will be the most accurate to keep the load even.
I then compared the location of the Rear pin, then drilled it.
Cut the rod so the bombs will be flush with the rack.
I will be painting the rack white Before I glue the Tripple bomb load in place.