Getting ready to attach the brass landing skid.
Used Blu-tack to hold the brass strip while superglue set.
With this step done, all that remains is paint and decals. Since it uses some of the same upper surface color, it will have to wait till the Mossie catches up.
Masking up. In hindsight, I should have waited until the end to put the brass etch on.
Used the blu tak to mask the canopy.
I'm done, but I'll be posting that soon.
Done!! The decals look really good but are very stiff and don't soften up and conform as well as I would like. I lost a small bit of the port roundel and the long thin black walkway next to the cockpit, stuck out of place at one end, and I broke it trying to move it. Had to brush flat black to replace it so it isn't the crisp rectangle it should be. Lost one of the rudder balances and that is the total deducted points. The biggest mystery to me are the unequal black stripes on the bottom. This photo shows the starboard is wider then port but why???