**** DONE: GB-47 1:48 Me 262 A-1a - WW2 D-Day and After – Western Front

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Ok chores done just after lunchtime so have had a few hours spare before my wife comes home from work.

cockpit tub and instrument panel assembled

Nose section built up around the metal nose wheel bay

All parts painted and ip decals in place

As the nose will be closed up im not fitting the cannons and only painted the bay as i had paint left on my pallet
Thanks chaps.

ok so last night i found Wayne's build of this kit he did way back in group build #17 !

I noticed he did most of the internal parts as a nmf where as the instruction sheet calls for RLM 02 so i'll go back over them with my vallejo silver later on today.

i looked at Waynes build to check if i could install the nose wheel leg after the fuselage was closed up as Hobbyboss want you to install it before (recipe for disaster), you can leave it off until the last minute so all is good.
Lovely start there, Karl. I have this one on the pile of kits and almost went for that for this group build. But, alas, the 152 called to me.

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