**** DONE: GB-47 1:48 Me 262 A-1a - WW2 D-Day and After – Western Front

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Wish i gad your motivation Karl. Cant get my butt down to the dungeon to finish my projects. It's been sunny and warm every day since June and one needs to take advantage of that when one can in these parts.
Soon, maybe a day or two it will be white and cold, just you wait a day or two.
Wish i gad your motivation Karl. Cant get my butt down to the dungeon to finish my projects. It's been sunny and warm every day since June and one needs to take advantage of that when one can in these parts.
Being on lockdown really sparked my interest again and ive been on a roll ever since.
Back at work in a couple of weeks so we'll see how it holds
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Dude, I live in Canada and have 61 years of experience. You don't need to remind me!
Yeah, I knew that when I said it. I've lived in Indiana and grew up.in the Pacific northwest so I can fill your pain though not as much, sometimes I even long for it, line now when it is 98 and feels line 110, but then I recall better and think no.
Spent last two days painting.

Fuselage done, the grey squares are where the previous markings were covered over, these being KG51's bomber codes 9K+LK.
You can also see i had painted the wings and tails RLM 82 and masked for the RLM 81.
in the flesh the green is nowhere near as bright, i think its the software on my phones camera playing tricks !

RLM 81 is on as is the red fin tip and nose cap

Masking tape off

Cannon ports painted red

Looks great Karl and mottles look A-1.
Wish i gad your motivation Karl. Cant get my butt down to the dungeon to finish my projects. It's been sunny and warm every day since June and one needs to take advantage of that when one can in these parts.
What a difference one province away makes. We've had solid rain and low temps since June, 3°C Tuesday night

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