**** DONE: GB-47 1/72 Mosquito - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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Got some assembly done last night and this morning. Good overall fit , just a bit of sanding required. Lost the gunsight again.


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Getting ready for the paint booth


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Ups and downs on this one. Painted the upper surfaces MSG.


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Then I decided to try the Humbrol maskol one more time. Big mistake.


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Spent most of the afternoon trying to fix this but my freehand air brush skills couldn't do it. Tried masking the curves too , no luck. I need to check out a tutorial on that . Was ready to drop it in the garbage pail, but being stubborn I cleaned and sanded it all off, resprayed the MSG and then brush painted the RAF green and spent a while sanding it down to remove the ridges brush strokes ect. I think I can live with it , will get on the black undersides and landing gear tomorrow.


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Bummer about the mask. On my just finished Typhoon I used this stuff

I laid it over the painting instructions and cut out. The stuff is low tack but I removed a bit more just to be sure and no paint was harmed during removal. Pretty sure it can be purchased in smaller sheets
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Turned out well in the end.
"Maskol" and similar masking fluids, are really intended for clear parts, where it is mainly used as a "filler", with tape at the edges. Or, on canopies for instance, it can be applied overall, allowed to set, and then the frame areas can be exposed by cutting the dried fluid where needed, ad peeling off, using a new, or sharp scalpel blade to do the cutting..
Well thanks for all the advice, you guys are the best. Today went a lot better , The black went on smooth and with pretty clean lines after unmasking.


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