**** DONE: GB-47 1:72 NA Mustang II - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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I added the camera behind the armor above the radios and glued the fuselage together. Unfortunately the tail wheel has to be installed at this point. I hope it survived the rest of the build.

Quite a lot of the cockpit is going to be visible which makes me feel better about all the time I put into it (as apposed to the Hurricane where almost nothing will be seen)

I also put together the prop assembly and masked the prop blades in preparation for the spraying of "Sky" which won't be until both the Mustang and Hurricane are ready for the painting of the fuselage bands.

The kit is a model of a P-51 (no suffix) While the decals are for a Mustang II which was equal to a P-51A, the main differences being that the P-51 had 2- 20mm cannon in each wing and a landing light in each wing just out bound of the cannon, while the Mustang II/P-51A had 2- .50 cal Borrowings in each wing and a single landing light on the left wing only, much further out.

This first pictures show some of the changes. The red arrow is the landing light openings stuffed with pieces of plastic card to start the fill-in . The purple arrows are one of the original 20mm shell ejector openings which remained on the Mustang II/P-51A for some reason. The blue arrows are the other 20MM shell ejector holes which I have reduced to 50 cal size. The green arrow is the new 50 cal shell ejector openings which I drilled out with a very fine drill and squared off with a #11 blade

Here the wing has been joined to the fuselage. If you look close you can see the closed up landing light positions, The new landing light in the left wing and if you look really close, the new 50 cal gun ports drilled out where the canons have been cut off and plugged.

The wing to fuselage joint on top is pretty good and so is the wing to nose joint underneath, but the rear joint through the radiator bulge will need a lot of work. It looks like I will have to build up the lower fuselage behind that joint and blend everything together so it looks like the right profile from the side.

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"Angle grinder" work complete and the radiator bulge looks like it should.

I installed come brass rod for the .50 cal machine guns. They look off center in the wing because they are, The early Mustangs had the inner guns set above the wing centerline while the outer guns are below it.

The tail on and every thing sanded and ready for paint.


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