Looking Good Glenn. Your masking always seems to be bang on. If you can find them, Gunze Sangyo/Mr. Hobby makes a solvent based acrylic Gunze-Sangyo Hobby and Model Enamel Paint - Page 3
AK-Interactive makes something called acrylic lacquer paint. Jurgen Kirkoff, author of "Luftwaffe Camouflage and Markings 1933-1945" is one of the colour "experts" that helps with the company Real Colors by AK
A lot more masking, than sprayed on the dark green. I looked back at the thread for the Typhoon I built for a group build about 5 years ago using this same decal sheet and saw that I did the camo before the invasion stripes. Don't really know what made me do it the other way around this time but it seemed to work out just as well.