**** DONE: GB-50 1:48 F-4B - Zombie Build

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The seam held.
Just doing some dabbeling painting.
Painting all the weapons and pylons.
I am recalling that experience of doing them on the 1/72nd failed build.
Of which this 1/48th did spring!!!!!!
Now to choose a weapons load. Not the easiest to find what was used at any one time!
Thanks for asking guys.
So far so good. No more antibiotics!!!!!!!
But I'm like a lot of women, cough-------leak! Damn.

Okay, so you get all set up, ready to get it together
and then you find the mating surfaces of the pylons don't quite match the wing!!!!!
So now I drill out the pins, leave a 1mm hole for a new pin.
Sand down the tops of the pylons to match, insert new pins and there goes three hours.
All little decals are applied to them and another niggly job done!

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