**** DONE: GB-53 1/32 Fw190F-8 - Eastern Front

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Well thanks guys and here's a little update.
I wanted to do at least one of the Quickboost wing gun bays but they were just not designed for this kit and I would have had to do more hacking then I cared to. The kit wing has a carry through box and it would have had to be completely cut out in the gun bay area to install. SOOOOO, that didn't happen but may on the A-8 I have, now that I know.

So the wing was glued together and mated to the fuselage and the engine is put on but not glued in place, just wanted to see it.
This is becoming very disheartening. I missed a step and am having to go back and try and fix it, but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can seem to fix it. THe gun bay for the Mg131 was left out and now I can't seem to get it glued in. I can't seem to fing any glues that will hole it in place. and I can get any clamps to hole due to the nature of the curves. Super glue extra thin Same Stuff. nothing is working and I'm just making a freakin mess.......


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