Thanks guys. Almost home. The decals, being early Tamiya ones, were bullet proof. I used every solution I had save Solvaset. I didn't use it in case the decals were ruined and this being 1:50 and not 1:48 I might have had a hard time matching. To get the decals to settle down over small bumps at the rear of the Hinomarus, I resorted to a very hot, wet cloth and pressed it on the decal. It did lay the decals flat but I got small tears at the bumps; nothing paint can't fix.
Yeah, still haven't quite figured out multiple masking and now that my only "local" paint supplier has dried up I can't afford to practice. I found cheap shipping from Hong Kong but it comes by ship and took three months
Same all over the world, we only have 1 hobby shop in C, good for most paints and the run of mill just released kits, but it is more of a toy shop. I have to confess that I do most of my shopping on line, we have a good supply in BNA Model World in Melbourne who are only an on-line supplier.
Thanks for the offer Andy. I'm looking at SunWard Hobbies again. Prices pretty reasonably except, of course, shipping. The header says free shipping over 60$ for "qualified orders" which means for everyone not on their "special list". Of course I made the list
I just talked to buddy who lives in Quesnel and he isn't on the list. He said I could use his address and he will bring the order into camp with him
On its legs now. According to three views and the instructions, the landing gear cant out slightly with the wheels running straight up and down. The wheel/axle join was less than stellar. Also note the odd propeller colour combo. Besides the bog standard Tea Brown on the back, which I used my supposedly bang on, Tamiya XF-9 Hull Red. The green on the front was a late war addition and Tamiya calls it Leaf Green. I used XF-67 Nato Green for this. The thin yellow strip has to be my thinnest masking job to date
Looks good Geo, and nice masking job. On my Ki-61, Tamiya says to use XF-64 Red Brown on the prop and spinner. I have XF-9 Hull Red which seems to look almost identical and am weighing if it's worth a trip to the LHS to get the 64.
Tamiya wasn't as generous with my instructions; no numbers, just names for the entire painting process. I got the Hull Red idea from one of the Japanese aviation sites
Speaking of twirly things, I thought the propeller stood a little proud of the engine and was going to clip the shaft down but glad I didn't