**** DONE: GB-55 1/48 P-38F Lightning - MTO III

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Trying not to go too far overboard started some chipping. Need to do what I'm gonna do before clear coat and decals and weathering. Hope I haven't over done it. the over wing is well document on Lightning's but I don't have good over wing shots on my subject. Those that I do have appear to be early as out pilot is a Lt and ends up as a Maj flying the same bird. I know that can happen pretty fast in WWII but not overnight. The photos don't show much if any ware so I am taking a bit of artistic discretion. You inputs are quite welcome.

Well had some bad stuff going on. While I like Xtradecals, i think they are a bit tricky to work with. They are very thin (half of me says yeah and the other half SCREAMS OH NO). Well this is the case. the Bat head and mouth I was having a difficult time with and the left had side upper section folded in under its self. I tried a hundred and one ways to fix it and to no avail. I tried to re float it and to drag it nothing worked. In the process I scratched the paint. The Bat mouth I put on upside down and when I tried to correct it same issues. They are very thin and you really have to be carful. I used a lot (and I mean a lot) of Micro Set but is just wasn't gonna float that boat. Also the insignia on the left side road up on me before setting.

To cut a long story short I ordered a new set of decals.....


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