**** DONE: GB-55 1:48 Wellington Mk 1C - MTO III

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Thanks Gents. It's been a slow week but we are moving forward. I've had enough of messing with the interior and turned my attention to the engines. I have a complete resin kit for both of the engines, one of which I want to show open and there are a lot of parts to play with both in the kit and with the resin. So, first up I had a spot out as to what parts I was going to use from both piles.

Then it was paint time.

Having got the engines sorted, the parts now ready for assembly, I decided to have a crack at the two gun turrets, I'm only doing the nose and tail turret, the central ventral turret having been removed by the time my aircraft was in service.

I have spent today prepping up the wheel bays which I'm going to fit "as is". I know they are not correct on this kit, the central spar not being aligned in the right location, it's located too far back in the wheel bay, but as this part of the aircraft is not going to be seen, as my emphasis s on displaying what can be seen in the fuselage, I'm not going to bother with correcting this error. So I may have more pics tomorrow.
Thanks Terry and Andy. Thanks also on the reminder of the wing warp, completely forgot all about it so will check it out today.
Good catch Andy, I know from following your build the many scary things to find on this kit. Probably the right time of the year to work on such a spooky kit
Thanks for checking gents. I've been at it most of the day on an off with very little to show. Managed to get the main undercart assembled and one of them slotted in to the wing. Spent a lot of time trying to work out what the instructions were trying to tell me re the inboard flaps, drawings a bit vague showing the correct location and position for closed flaps. Worked it out in the end and on this wing no warping that I can see.


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