Thanks my friends.
Still rather stiff and some pain - think I need to speak to the RA Nurse. However, I was able to get quite a lot done today, including most of the tiresome seam sanding etc, and almost ready to start painting areas such as the AEAF stripes, the anti-glare panel on the upper fuselage, and the dark blue nose ring, which will be easier to do now, rather than when the wings are attached.
There was feint, hairline gap on the upper fuselage nose and cowling, and this was filled with a thin bead of CA, then sanded and checked with a thin coat of white enamel, before further light sanding and polishing.
The wing tip nav lamps have been created, using scraps of clear sprue. This was first sanded flat on one edge, then drilled on the end, with the hole then being filled with the required colours (red / blue) using Tamiya clear acrylic.
The clear sprue was then attached to the wing tip using CA, and left to set hard, before filing and sanding to shape. Polishing was done using "T Cut" car body colour restorer.
After some deliberation, I decided to fit the weapons pylons at this stage, as they needed some work to aid secure attachment, and I reckoned that, fitting them after painting the model would definitely result in damage to the surrounding paintwork.
Although "handed" to match the wing dihedral,the pylons do not have any locating pins, and there are no locating holes in the wing, relying only on surface contact between pylon and wing. Therefore, each pylon was drilled on the mating surface, and a "peg" glued in place, using plastic rod. A reference point was then pencilled onto each wing, holes drilled accordingly, and the pylons glued into place. Once set, the extreme upper "tail" of each pylon was notched, and shaped, stretched sprue cemented in place to represent the spring-loaded steady bar. The small gaps at the joints with the wing have since been attended to.
(NOTE;- The instructions have the numbers for port and starboard pylons reversed. Attaching as per the instructions would result in each pylon being angled inwards, rather than hanging vertically - chek, test fit, check again! )
Next task was to fit the guns. I'd considered replacing the moulded blast tubes with alloy tubing, but my hands just aren't up to that task at the moment, so the kit parts were used as supplied. The muzzles of the blast tubes have been lightly drilled, to represent the "dished" recess (see Pic 7) If I decide to fit bombs, then these recesses will be painted red, to represent the muzzle caps. If not, then they'll be painted to look like open muzzles.
Final task for today was to add some detail in the wheel bays, both on the wings and the fuselage sections. Inspection access hatches were made by punching out discs of thin plastic card and attaching using Tamiya Extra Thin cement.
The pics below show the progress to date and note that any "rough" areas in the pics have since been taken care of.