That would have worked Andy, but what I used was a piece of scrap from the material I used to make the firewall corigation on my Thunderbolt cockpit project. It's corrugated clear sheet intended for greenhouses. I was in the basement the other gay and saw a piece, picked it up and bent it sharp and was amazed that it held its shape and didn't turn milky at the bend so decided to give it a shot.
The picture below was taken after I mounted it on the firewall and painted it.
Glued on the wings and the tail. Very nice fit that will only need some minor sanding. i also masked off the anti-glare and cockpit. Should be ready of paint tonight.
The shape of the propeller blades on the 'J' were different than any of the others fitted on Thunderbolts. They were more slender at the base. I could spend time reshaping the Hamilton Standard prop from the kit but I will be needing that along with one stolen fron another Academy Razorback kit I have to source the blades for the conter-rotating prop on the XP-72.
I looked at resin props available and the closest match I could find for legnth and shape was a Quickboost resin prop set for a B-25. The legnth is close enough measured from a 1/72nd B-25 I have and the slenderness at the base looks right on. The outer half of the blades may be a touch thin but I can live with that.
I have them on order and will hopefully arrive in time.
Couple hours of masking and10 min of spraying the 'Bright Silver' last night.
Cell phone picture after I pulled off the masks. Will post better pictures later.