**** DONE: GB-58 1/72 Bf 110G-4 - Night Fighters all Eras.

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I have this Italeri-kit, but in an older boxing (no PE-parts). The transparent part for the main canopy (part 38c) was wrong - it was made for a C/D variant, not for a G. There was also no transparent part for the landing light cover at all. I could never start the model and probably will never do it in the future.

Did Italeri change these (and other) mistakes with the new re-issue? Are those partially new molds?
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I have rotated the two images there. The problem is with the way the devices with the Android system code the data of the pic orientation and save it in the picture header. It is different often and usually not interpret/read correctly by the Windows and the forum scripts trying to fit displaying of a shot to the screen.
Thanks for sorting it out. It's just annoying. Held my camera the same way for all the pictures and it still randomly does it ? My daughter got us a soother phone but I never use it. Hate the dam things !!
Actually the problem may happen to all. While you are sure you held the camera tha same way for all pictures it is not a true. It is enough you rotated it 1 or 2 degrees left or right and the orientation data is different. The 1-2 degree rotating isn't noticed by you at all because the system of the image stabilization corrected that. So the data of the correction is saved with the pic. Each time you want to see the image it is displayed in the same way by the Android system and the software working under its control. The couple of degrees of the rotation may be not "recognized" properly by other opertainal systems like the Windows for instance. As a result the 1° may be "read/ interpreted" as the full 90° left or right depending on the side the camera was cockeyed.

Here are the screen shots of the header of your pics. The first one is the header of your pic displayed horizontally. The second one is of the images rotated 90°. I marked the differences in the data . Can you see?

And here is the header after rotation with Irfanview on my comp. As you may notice the header is different from these two above.

And here is a image header that seems to be required by Windows but saved by the Photoshop. The data of orientation is saved in lines after the EXIF label. Also different isn't it?

Paint experiment. Dragged out the the paint hog. Gave it a coat of RLM 75. Then using liquid latex and a tooth pick masked off the spotted areas. It looks to me they were applied with a brush because they don't have soft edges. It was over sprayed with RLM 67. I think I over did it a bit but the effect seems to work. At least I know I can use it on the 110 and it won't turn into a disaster ! The black on the underside needs a bit of touch up.

That camo looks great and thanks for the tip, Liquid Latex, not come across this before but will certainly be picking up a pot next time I go into town.

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