**** DONE: GB-63 1/32 Macchi MC.202 Folgore – Stormy Weather

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Going at light speed Vic I'm still researching my subject and awaiting my resin.

You might want to consider using lead wire or solder for the large scale piping as it can be bent and draped realistically.
Wow ! Incredible progress. Is any of the details in the pit aftermarket? In the UK this kit is selling for around the £100 mark. Not far off some of the older 1/32 Tamiya price range. Does the kit compare well in the detail and engineering department?
This is a good kit Greg with the cockpit and engine detail though not completely accurate, it is very close. There are also a few anomalies in external detail but most of them are minor and only the over finicky of us would want to fix them. As for after market, I have used mostly the kit 3D decals with the exception of the seat backrest and harness straps and chains, these are from Quinta Studio and were purchased as an afterthought. The kit does provide the seat harness parts but these are on a PE set and would need painting. As for pricing down under, it's A$200 which is about the same as UK.
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So moving on and my thanks for checking in folks, your comments are much appreciated. As you can see the cockpit side walls are finished and have been fitted, with it all together it is one very busy office and with the 3D decals there was not much in the way of scratch building. I have also decided on this kit not to bother too much with weathering and am hoping to get a nice clean kit at the finish.

Thanks to Andy's reminder and the link he found which I had forgotten about, it's back to the engine for a couple of mode that have been left out of the kit. Also at the stage I will work my way through some of the external hiccups not included or are incorrect with the kit, they are mostly minor but I feel they still need attention.

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