**** DONE: GB-63 1/32 Macchi MC.202 Folgore – Stormy Weather

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Thanks gents, you're all too kind. It's bee almost a week since my last update and what a fiddly week it has been with lots of fiddly PE placed and a lot of pushing and shoving to make bits round the engine fit. We got there in the end though most of it is dry fitted.

The starboard engine cover and supercharger filter dry fitted, note the exhausts still need fitting on this side.
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The port side engine as I am hoping to display he finished model, note also the exhausts have been fitted on this side, they were a pain in the 'you know what'.
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The port side upper gun bay and cockpit, again the gun bay will be displayed open.
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Turning to the underside you can see some of the PE detail on the wings. I'm undecided if I should leave the engine underside exposed. Then model will be displayed on an upper shelf about 1.7m off the ground, so it will be seen.
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The dry fitted underside engine cover with the air scoop filter.
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The rear of the air scoop filter.
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Here we have the underside air scoop and filter that fits to the rear of the wing. This filter wire was made up of three separate PE parts front and back.
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That's me done for today folks, have a great evening or enjoy your day wherever you may be. :thumbright: :lol:
Thanks again for dropping by folks and also for all the kind comments. Progress has been good and we now have an almost complete aircraft. The open panels you can see on the first shot will be as it is going to be displayed.

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Am hopoing to get an undercoat on tomorrow after a visit to the dentist, just a routine checkup. :lol: :lol:

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