Finally completed my D-9 tonight. (Well I've still got to add the fuel tank but I've got one of the later type luftwaffe tanks that would complete the job, but that's hidden in the garage somewhere so will call it done!)
I've changed the canopy for the open one, added the aerial wires, dropped flaps, pitot tube etc and given the beast some weathering - not sure how much actually shows up in the pictures!! Maybe try some more tomorrow in daylight!
Cheers all and best of luck to those keeping on with theirs
Well done Adam! I'll update [age one and post your finished pic there with the rest. One technicality would be that the antenna wire most often drooped with the canopy open as most D's didn't have the retraction mechanism for the wire.
Cheers Andy
Yes, I wrestled with the antenna wire conundrum for a while and then assumed that as this machine was fitted with the earlier flat 'Anton' type canopy (without the later armour) then it may have still had the wire tensioner. It would have been a lot easier to do a slack antenna!!!!!!
Actually, I find that the slack antennas are harder to replicate realistically since the typical materials do not have enough weight. This is especially true for the short, vertical lead wire. For this, I use a piece of stretched sprue curled up by running a fingernail across one side.
Nice to see some color on it Wayne. Maybe now that I've finished the P-40 in the group build I can get back to some of my unfinished projects including Blue 12