No Sir it is Tamiya Acrylic XF-67 NATO Green, i always apply it over the Lighter Underside colour which I normally apply overall as a primer and check colour. The Green retains that nice brighter element when I mottle and layer it on to a lighter base rather than a darker base....
What great builds! I would have missed this save for the new right-hand ticker, so thanks, admins. And all I can say about these builds is WOWIE ZOWIE!
Well finding modelling time has been frustrating, but I gabbed an hour today....I added the RLM81 to the cowling and the colour was just not to my liking (Pic 1)...I wanted a slightly darker shade, so I added some Dark green to the RLM81 mix and mottled this over the first application, this was followed by a light pass of the RLM82 over the second layer of 81 just to mix it up a little (Pic 2). One image of the cowl does appear to show some lighter colour, possible the 82? so I went with this...and the masking is off the tail too to reveal all the colours (Pics 3 4)...
Couple of shots of my Fw 190D-9 "Black 1" finished. As you can see I went for "dirty" look. Hope haven't went over the top with it. Anyway, not my best work probably, but glad to see it done. Don't know why it took me so long to finish it...
I'll post official (and more decent) ***Finished photos in couple of days, as soon as we get some sun around here.