Down In Flames

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1st picture; You can see a crewman getting out of the escape hatch just behind the pilot. The center tanks are on fire and there must have been no way out except this route.

2nd picture; 345th BG attacking an alcohol plant in Formosa. No survivors from this hit, with the B25 plowing into the ground moments later.
I agree, the smoke/flames don't match the centerline of the aircraft, either. It would have to be seriously side-slipping to leave a trail in that direction.

Also, I think that photo might have been in Norway. Although there were some landing accidents during the 'invasion', I don't think there were any 'flamers'.
In the B-24 pic, I think maybe the oxygen bottles were hit initially.
Andy, which is the correct orientation for the aircraft, the one posted above(can't remember the book it is from), the one Chris posted:traveling left to right, or the small photo in your link: traveling right to left? Just curious.


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