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schwarzpanzer said:I'm saying that because Tom cruise, like Mel Gibson, wanted to alter history and it's rumoured even involve Mustangs in the BoB saving the Brits arses?
plan_D said:It's "farthest" not 'farest', Maestro. And obviously I cannot comment for all Luftwaffe and RAF pilots but I'd think they would have had more respect for one another than to talk like that.
I didn't know Luftwaffe ran camps. I always thought that they were all run by SS
The second one was a private. He said that German were better than Japenese. German didn't gave much to eat... but at least they gave them something to eat !
evangilder said:Well, that facts don't lie. If we had put incorrect facts up in the museum, I am sure that someone would call us on it. Believe it or not, we get Brits in to our museum very often. I hear an English accent every time I am there and believe me, if they came from England and are swinging by our museum, they know the facts about the BoB. We get complemented on the BoB display all the time.
I would have been fine with the error if I had not been accused of being a revisionist historian.