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Probably came to grief being ferried from Buffalo to Great Falls Montana. Then on to Fairbanks or Anchorage to hand over to the Russians. The strange star was a Russian marking applied at the factory.
576th AAF Base Unit, 7th Ferrying Service Station. Air Transport Command at Municipal Airport. That surprised me. I did not realize the put on the soviet star so early.Thought they would paint that on the last possible moment.
The infamous twin Airacobra. Armament consisted of absoultely nothing. Offensive capability consisted of the occupant of the front cockpit attempting to blind their opponents with mirrors. Failing that, he used hand signals and vulgar gestures to distract them. 60000 were ordered but only three completed after it was discovered that the hand motions in the front cockpit tended to make the plane tumble.
March 5, 1945) These ice formations on the propeller and fuselage surfaces of a test unit installed in the Icing Research Tunnel at the Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland, Ohio, now known as John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, show what may happen to an airplane in flight under certain atmospheric conditions. Ice degrades the performance of an aircraft in flight and can cause loss of control.

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