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Char 1 bis Poitou II Nr 28 13e RD 2e Escadron DENÉE Ardennen Belgien 1940


  1. 1002028 poitou 01 13e rd coll marion.jpg
  2. Orig. Foto Frankreich Char B1 bis Panzer "Poitou II" DENÉE Ardennen Belgien 1940 | eBay
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These three Char 1Bis tanks were destroyed at the same location on the same day. I mean the road near the Denée village. The Poitou II was hit on a field, next to the road on the right side of the Guepratte. The Souain was hit on the read on its right side while driving behind the Guepratte.

guépratte 15.jpg

other images ...

The "Guepratte"
guépratte 01.jpg

guépratte 03.jpg

The "Poitou II"
poitou2 01.jpg

poitou2 14.jpg

The "Souain"
souain 01.jpg

souain 05.jpg

the pic source:
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
These three Char 1Bis tanks were destroyed at the same location on the same day. I mean the road near the Denée village. The Poitou II was hit on a field, next to the road on the right side of the Guepratte. The Souain was hit on the read on its right side while driving behind the Guepratte.

View attachment 759909

other images ...

The "Guepratte"
View attachment 759910
View attachment 759911

The "Poitou II"
View attachment 759912
View attachment 759913

The "Souain"
View attachment 759914
View attachment 759915
the pic source:
Yes i saw that on thw sources you quoted. Hit by what or what unit? you happen to know? Poitou seems to be hit in the turret.
Yes i saw that on thw sources you quoted. Hit by what or what unit? you happen to know? Poitou seems to be hit in the turret.

According to the pic source site ...

Around Denée, French tanks attack German soldiers of the 8th Infantry Division. The German artillery reacted quickly with several guns including 88 and 105mm which fired almost directly at the French tanks. The POITOU II was hit and explodes. All crew members were killed.

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