eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains) (1 Viewer)

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KAELBLE 6,5 L, BEUTE Infanterie-MG DP ( Degtjarjow pechotnij

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The T15 was a version of the British Carden Loyd tankette (Char Léger de Reconnaissance Vickers-Carden-Loyd Mod.1934 T.15). They had a two-man crew and were armed with a French 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun in the turret. A total of 42 of these tanks were assigned to Belgian units.

Nr 1169 2x Nr 0692

  1. Belgian combat vehicles of World War II - Wikipedia
  2. L410 Foto Belgien Wehrmacht mit belgischen Vickers T-15 Light Tank Beute-Panzer | eBay
  3. L411 Foto Belgien Wehrmacht mit belgischen Vickers T-15 Light Tank Beute-Panzer | eBay
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