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Somua S 35 der 25.PD Parade 20.04.1942 ? Oslo Norwegen captured beute balkenkreuz


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The 25th Panzer Division was set up in southern Norway in 1941/42 as a quick reaction reserve of the Norwegian Army High Command, initially referred to as the "Oslo Rifle Association" ( Schützenverband Oslo), then as the Norway Panzer Association. Gradually increased to the Panzer Division Norway by the OKW at the request of Colonel-General von Falkenhorst, with renaming in 1943 to the 25th Panzer Division. The division was largely equipped with British and French captured weapons but later it was completely converted to use German weapons and equipment.
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Eisenbahn Zug mit 8,8 cm Flak Geschütz Eisenbahnflak


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21.ID Soldaten mit Phänomen Granit Lkw am Wolchow Russland 1942


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21.ID Soldaten mit Phänomen Granit Lkw am Wolchow Russland 1942

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The Phänomen Granit 25 of the second series from 1936 or the Phänomen Granit 30 truck. :thumbright:
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