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Saw this the other day. Another captured Tachikawa, the Ki-36 - despite the erroneous caption calling it a "Val"...

It's a scan from my copy of " 'Kikka' The technological Verification of the First Japanese Jet Engine Ne-20 " by Miki Press.
To be exact, this picture presents Cross-section of a BMW 003 which is on display in some Japanese museum, which one I can't recall unfortunately.

This cross-section was a part of a shipment carried by I-29 submarine, which unfortunately for the Japanese, was sunk after it left Singapore (submarine stopped there to resupply). For your interest, I-29 also carried an Me 262 fighter stored in boxes.

Interestingly, this cross-section survived only because a certain officer (Commander Eichi Iwaya) left the ship, with some of the documents, while in Singapore. It was taken as a safety measure as the South China Sea was considered unsafe at that time. That turned out to be true.
Based only on this and previous work with the Ne-12, Kūgishō managed to continue the development of their main project, the Ne-20 jet engine.

One thing should be said here, Japanese did a really great job of creating their own jet engine ... basing on just a single drawing like this.
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