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Known picture but with good resolution: Me262A-1a/U3 - ? - Marge - Lady Jess IV - n/a - 121443

There is another picture of the last aircraft (W.Nr.112385, 'yellow 8' of 3./JG 7) taken from the front port quarter, which shows damage to the port side, particularly engine nacelle, caused by 'friendly fire' from the airfield flak. You can just see some of this damage on the engine nacelle in the posted picture (a couple of holes in the nacelle, visible below the line of the outboard flap in the image).This aircraft was captured by US forces at an airfield between Stendal and Borstel on 15th April '45.

On another forum I stumbled upon these photos of a machine belonging to 3.KG(j) 54 (Texas History Photo Collection - Page 2 - Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum). Evidently, it's B3+HL WNr. 110 943, and there's information about it in one of the Japo books. I assume that the individual aircraft letter "H" was in yellow and the "L" in black, but this is just an educated guess on my part. Any thoughts or information about this Me 262? I'm dying to know!...
WkNmr. 110943 is an Me262A-1a, built at Schwäbisch-Hall, Hässantal Waldwerk - B3+HL "yellow H"
On 9 March 1945, it was damaged (account isn't clear if the damage was by ground fire or by enemy aircraft) and made an emergency landing at Kitzigen. It was flown by Lt. Bernhard Becker of 3./KG54.

The damage to the airframe was listed as 65% and doesn't show it being repaired or flown from that date onward and was eventually photographed by U.S. forces on 10 April 1945, when they took Kitzigen.

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