Empty kit boxes.

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Ron Pearcy

Airman 1st Class
Feb 24, 2018
Market Harborough,UK
Hi all. Probably a stupid question but here goes. What do you do with all the empty built kit boxes. I've just got back into modelling and space is an issue.(well it is to the missus). You obviously save all the spare kit pieces but do you just throw the instructions and boxes away.
Thanks in advance.
A couple of them I use for keeping remnants of decal sheets , instructions not used plastic parts , pieces of sprues , etc.. If the cardboard is of a proper quality I save the top and bottom pieces of boxes for using with paper models. The entire rest of them is just binned.
You are welcoem. Additionally I change these boxes every few years to keep them in a good condition.
Pretty much the same here, I do save some spare parts that might be useful on other kits, extra decals I always save but in plastic sandwich bags, sprue I never save it gets tossed. Boxes generally get tossed as well as instructions
I now regret throwing away many of my boxes from 30 or 40 years ago. I have an original Monogram 1/48 Spitfire Mk IX box top that I thought was so pretty I hung it on the wall in one house I owned; it matched the decor.

If the artwork is good, cut the box top at the corners, flatten it, and and file it someplace safe, flat.
Maybe I haven't built enough kits yet? I save all of the boxes for the artwork and the bits and pieces left over (one never knows?). I've not had any 'real' complaints yet from the best half, but it probably wont be long since the boxed are stored under all of the empty spaces in my office/build area. She can still roll up to her computer and not have to kick anything out of the way yet. So, I guess I have some time and room?
Same as most here - spare parts and unused decals I keep, along with decent lengths of sprue for stretching. The boxes are a good source of card for making 'concrete' dispersals or taxi tracks for dioramas, but most of them are thrown out.

This one?

Back to the original question! I have a few boxes for left over parts, todays kits have weapons to arm a wing much less one aircraft, I have a roll around file folder to keep decals in, (the long folders) each for a type of aircraft i.e. F-15, F-4, A6, ect... and I keep 3" loose leaf binders for instructions. It works when used correctly, BUT.....

And to think that I thought my "Man Cave" was a mess. What you have there is absolute nightmare.

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