Engineering vs Human Stupidity--Guess the winner

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did the guy die?
I suspect that the entire video is a fake and the end scenes are CGI.
Ship to the end scenes. Note the truck, there is no indication of the truck attempting to brake. No marks on the road...No smoke from the tires skidding on the pavement.
The stopped truck...the driver, who has just struck a motorcycle never exits the vehicle to see what has happened to the motorcycle/rider he has just struck.
Look at the fallen rider...where is the motorcycle? that has just been hit?

Agreed. I've had all the "classics" ...ME, 2000, Vista. Garbage,every last one.
Fortunately, the IT guys at school always checked out Bill's latest offerings and warned us away from the worst of the duds. I've had 95, 98, XP, and Seven, and Professional only, and I've been mostly satisfied. Tried Ten, didn't like it, will stay with Seven as long as I can.
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