Erich Hartmann and his victories and overclaims over Hungary

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Sakai Saburo was heavily wounded on 7 August 1942 with his eye being hit and he had to fly back to Rabaul with serious injuries and a damaged aircraft. The SBD Dauntless that hit Sakai was credited with a victory even though Sakai landed back at base with a damaged aircraft and wounds. The aircraft was repaired and Sakai only returned to combat in 1944. Would this be a victory for the SBD? They were credited with it. In my opinion no it's not but other people would say it is.

Allow me this analogy:

In Aug 44 the Germans launched an offensive aimed at Mortain with the objective of cutting American armies off to allow their defeat in detail. The offensive was repulsed, which resulted in the Germans hastily retreating East through the Falaise Gap before being hustled completely out of France and regrouping in Belgium, Holland, and Germany.

Was this an Allied victory?

I think the idea that only complete annihilation is a victory is short-sighted in the extreme. Mission-kill is a valid concept.
Allow me this analogy:

In Aug 44 the Germans launched an offensive aimed at Mortain with the objective of cutting American armies off to allow their defeat in detail. The offensive was repulsed, which resulted in the Germans hastily retreating East through the Falaise Gap before being hustled completely out of France and regrouping in Belgium, Holland, and Germany.

Was this an Allied victory?

I think the idea that only complete annihilation is a victory is short-sighted in the extreme. Mission-kill is a valid concept.

Woah, hold on there Nelly. According to some, Analogies are evil and not allowed.

Unless of course the analogy is sporting black crosses.
My cousin has analogy to nuts. Does that count ?

I think this is rather easily settled by saying we are all glad you, CHen10, are not sitting on our review board when we submit for a victory credit. It's not Earth-shaking.

I think we ALL get your opinion; it's clear. It's just that no country's military aviation branches anywhere share your opinion of what constitutes a victory credit. Nor does the general opinion in this forum.

The Rolling Stones have a song out that says it clearly, "You Can't Always Get What You Want." But, if you try sometime, you might find, you get what you need.

So, you need to understand that we simply do NOT agree. Why can't YOU understand that? It is easy. You need to find a way to accept that. There will be less confusion and arguments in your life.

It doesn't mean you can't come up with your own victory credit list. It's just that your new list will not match anyone else's list. Perhaps that's OK with you.
I understand we don't agree. I have already said we all have different opinions and that we don't agree. I don't know why you haven't seen that.

Everyone has their own valid opinion which I already said.

It's clear that you and other people here are so rattled. It's hilarious to see people having meltdowns because I say something they don't agree with. Please chill. However if you want to continue then go ahead. It's so funny.
Your opinion aka definition means nothing. A kill is scored when an aircraft is shot down. Period. How hard is that for you to understand?
Oh. My. Goodness.

I have explained my opinion and it's reasons many times

I believe the aircraft has to be destroyed. Period.

You're going around in circles asking the same stuff over and over. It's madness
I understand we don't agree. I have already said we all have different opinions and that we don't agree. I don't know why you haven't seen that.

Everyone has their own valid opinion which I already said.

It's clear that you and other people here are so rattled. It's hilarious to see people having meltdowns because I say something they don't agree with. Please chill. However if you want to continue then go ahead. It's so funny.


No, whats annoying is someone believing their opinion is fact.

Nobody is having a meltdown either, most of us are rather amused.
Ignoring the creation of aces and awards, this all started out as intelligence gathering, which all forces do. The people doing it compile the data based on various criteria, and combine that with other information to try to establish what is going on. It can only produce an estimate which everyone concerned expects to be wrong, even with everyones best efforts. It doesnt matter if it is wrong, as long as it is always wrong by the same amount. Changes to this wrong information combined with information from your own losses will still tell you if things are getting better or worse. What you cannot do is change the criteria, once you do that you are discussing apples oranges groats bailliwicks and slugs.
Oh. My. Goodness.

I have explained my opinion and it's reasons many times

I believe the aircraft has to be destroyed. Period.

You're going around in circles asking the same stuff over and over. It's madness

Because, your opinion makes no sense. Do you really think your opinion outweighs those of the brave men who actually flew and fought? Thats the real madness here.
Well since you're being confrontational it's clear you're angry and having a meltdown


Trust me, you don't make me angry. And by the way, debating your opinion is not being confrontational.

But hey, if it makes you feel better about yourself to think I am mad and having a "meltdown" feel free to think that.
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