Erprobungsgruppe 210 Bf110s?

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Hey, All,
I have been trying to find info on this group for a bit now. Hard to get any real details on the 110s this group flew or any air field details. Can anyone point me in any direction for this information? The Most Dangerous Enemy has me real interested in modeling one of their 110s. I have the Eduard 1/48 110/D-1. I want to verify the D-1 variant and try to track any more historical information on this group.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Hi Dale,

Messerschmitt Bf 110 Bombsights over England - Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britian by John Vasco (who is also a member here) is the book you want. ISBN-13: 978-0764314452

Coincidentally, I've been researching the same subject, to include a Bf-110 in my BoB line up, alongside an example from ZG26 . These will be for the August 15th and 18th actions respectively. I've orderd John's book, but won't get it for a few weeks. I have profiles from his joint work with Fernando Estanislau, but don't want to post them here due to copyright. PM me an e-mail address, with info concerning the specific period you're interested in, and I'll scan and send some. I'm presuming it's the bomb carriers you're wanting?
I now have the book, so if there's any specific info you want, let me know.


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Not quite everything Andy, and, with age, the memory is slipping, so thought I'd get some additions to the library! Now need more bookshelves though!
Hey, Guys,
I ordered John's book off of Amazon just yesterday. Terry, I will PM you my email address. I will probably wait to bounce a few things off of you when I work my way down the "tbb" stack. The 110 is about 3 kits down the stack, just above the 1/24 Mosquito which is howling at me. Man, the Mossie is one of my very favorite aircraft of all times and that Airfix kit is yelling loud. But, I am doing a ton of research before I even crack the box open again.
Thanks guys,
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No problem Dale, and you'll certainly like the book. The profiles aren't quite as well defined as those in his dedicated Bf 110 Profiles book, but they're good enough. (But, the colours in the profile book tend to look more towards greys, although the text notes the actual colours.)
Seems we have similar interests, as I'm in the process of slowly converting the old Revell Mosquito BIV into the FBVI. I had originally pre-ordered the Airfix kit months before it was released, but cancelled the order on principal, as the price was doubled during the delay in releasing it. If I can find room for one, I might relent one day!
Hey, All,
I have been trying to find info on this group for a bit now. Hard to get any real details on the 110s this group flew or any air field details. Can anyone point me in any direction for this information? The Most Dangerous Enemy has me real interested in modeling one of their 110s. I have the Eduard 1/48 110/D-1. I want to verify the D-1 variant and try to track any more historical information on this group.
Thanks in advance for all your help.

They flew D-0/B fighter-bombers. In the later stages of the BoB, D-3s, C-7s, and E-1s.
:thumbleft: I feel your pain bother!

I have to apoligize to Dale, it did not even dawn on me to ask what he needed out of the book.

Hey, vikerBerserker, nothing at all to apologize for. I sure don't mind getting a good book as a reference or for the pure joy of reading. Messerschmitt Bf 110 Bombsights over England - Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britian is an EXCELLENT book and I am enjoying reading it. I just got Jablonski's Airwar Vol I-IV as well. I am bouncing back and forth through both books as I have time.

Terry, maybe we need to get an unofficial BoB group thing going later this spring? I sure would enjoy it.
Messerschmitt Bf 110 Bombsights over England - Erprobungsgruppe 210 in the Battle of Britian is an EXCELLENT book and I am enjoying reading it.

Did you see that the author of the book responded to your post! :) I love the internet. :)
Yep, it's an excellent book - I've read it twice since getting it! No doubt I'll be using it often during the build too.
Dale, there's been 'talk' of having the 'BoB' back as another GB again at some time, but meanwhile, I'll let you know when I'm ready to make a start on my BoB collection. It'll be an on-going project as, to date, there are 20 models to tackle (all 1/48th scale) - and that's before I find a Defiant and a Blenheim at the right price, and add a couple more Spits and Hurricanes!
Oh, and as a side-line, there's a belly-landed Bf109E diorama to do, in 1/32nd scale, for a museum.

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