Evan the Cold Warrior

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evangilder said:
I usually can't draw people either. I have either dug out a repressed piece of art or more likely, I just got lucky! Thanks guys, I will probably start doing more of these.

I think peoples are the hardest things to draw. All that I draw look a little like cartoons... May be because I wanted to make cartoon books when I was younger. But unfortunately, my drawings suck. So I let down the idea and concentrated on novels instead.

At the begining, I had a good way to draw pilots (when I was drawing them (most of the time I was drawing windows in black, so you couldn't see inside)). I was always putting them an helmet and a gas mask on... so all that was left was his eyes.
lesofprimus said:
Nice... I cant draw people for some odd reason......... Never seem to get it right...

They all look retarded.....

Your people look better than mine, see for your self.

Great artwork though guys all of you.


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