F-117 is being retired

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I know what you mean, FlyboyJ. I remember when they were rolled out. Now where's my eyeglasses and cane?

I thought they were the future? Why take them out of service?
They were really mis-identified anyway. The should have been the A-117, not the F-117. I first saw them many years ago at an undisclosed Nevada location, before most people knew about them. I thought "What the hell is that?!?" But there was no way I asked, I didn't need to know. It was a few years later they finally showed them to the public. Their final ceremony at Plant 42 is not even open to the public. :(

So here is my tribute to the Nighthawk.


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I remember hearing about the crash of an "unidentified" aircraft in the Sierra Nevadas back in July of '86 (I wasn't too far from there at the time); the AF had the whole area locked-down within hours of the crash. It wasn't until years later that I found out it had been an F-117A on a night-training exercise (they only flew them at night back then).

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