F86-E Hasegawa 1:32 "Jolley Roger"

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Fantastic work, the seat and landing gear are brilliant. There's just one point, although it may be a bit late. During my research for my 1/48th scale Korean War Sabre, I found that the cockpit was dark grey, with a black instrument panel and switch consoles, and the seat was a mid grey, with a 'silver' grey harness, and a dull red head rest. The colours changed to black in the late 1950's. I had previously thought, and had seen photos showing it, that the cockpit was black, but then found the above information. Sorry if this causes a problem, but if it's too late, then not to worry, it'll still look fantastic!
Hi airframes,
my informations say the contrary. First was the black than came the grey.

In Osprey Frontline Colour "F-86 Sabres of the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing" most color pics of cockpits show them in black.

page 111:

Osprey Frontline Colour "F-86 Sabre Fighter -Bomber Units over Korea" page 24:
(I highly recommend this two books for everyone who is interested in Korean Wartime Sabres)

The instrument panel and sideconsols were left in "out of box" state. I only added a clear gunsight-screen. Concentrating on the area aft of the ejectionseat.
The next two pics show the fuselage glued together and coated with a customary waterbased filler to smooth out any flaws.

As you can see the canopy was finished in advance with self adhesive alloyfoil. I often do this in advance because when the canopy of such an old model is ruined you are in for it.

I lost a lot of pics in a computer crash sorry. Now i got wise and bought an extern harddrive.
The next pic I could rescue shows the wings and fuselage glued together and most of the paint sprayed on. Of cource the black and yellow were sprayed before the metallic coats. For the first coats I used the last amounts of a color which has long desapeared.
It is liquid "Rub and Buff". The shading was done with Gunze polishing brands aplied in very thin coats. By the way. i left most of the engine out of the plane and inserted a new tailpipe from thin rolled alloy coming with a cake. This lightened the tail considerably.

Superb job, it really looks fantastic. Seems like there is conflicting information about the cockpit colours, as my refs showed the grey shades! No problem, probably both were used at certain periods.
Thanks to all of you,
It's a pitty with every metallfinish, when applying a clear coat in advance of decaling some of the nice effect is lost. There is nothing you can do about it.
Patricia starts to live.

The decals Buer No, roketers-symbol, names, red stars and so on were upscaled 1:48th decals ink printed on white and clear decalpaper. The rest stemmed from a 1:48th Dakota.

The other side:

The next three pics show the finished bird. Sorry they were done a little bit hastely.


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