Fingertips and superglue

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Senior Airman
Jan 7, 2017
When the weather turns cold and dry, my fingertips crack at the nails. I use a dab of superglue and kicker to seal it over.

Does anyone else do this?

Wurger, I didn't know where else to post this, so I understand if you move it.
My college roommate's father worked at the factory that made the first batches of super glue. This was in 1970. Nobody knew about super glue but a handful of people.
We ran rampant in our dormitory. Gluing people's fingers together , fastening things to walls and doors. We covered the dormitory chaperone's entire door with beer cans magically sticking out at right angles. Try it sometime and see how hard they are to get off.
As every stock broker knows, insider knowledge, should not go to waste.
I've heard, but never did it myself, that guitar players; Stevie Ray Vaughn for example, would put CA on their fingertips after the blisters broke. I've used it in the shop for finger cuts that would otherwise stop me from working. And I can't have that. From what I've found, CA was originally developed by Kodak as a lens cement. I believe it was Eastman 510. In the early days. machine shops would use it to temporarily cement thin parts to work tables when attempting to grind them. I keep a jar of acetone or MEK handy to remove from fingers where it's not supposed to be.
There were several formulas of Kodak CA. The most common used in field maintenance 910. It wasn't good for balsa. If my memory is accurate, 533 was for steel to other metals. We had a glass guide in the eguipment which had an aluminum small handle cemented to it. It had a strand of hair between the glass and the milled aluminum surface as a spacer. The hair looked as if it were from a good camels hair brush. When the customers broke the guide, I took the handle piece home for the milled aluminum. It could only be separated from the glass fragment by considerable heat, usually on the stove. A few years later, similar CA became available in the model field for balsa. The best story occurred in New Orleans the day after Mardi Gras one year when some one called to ask how to remove false eyelashes cemented on with 910.
Worst Case Scenario ! Back when super glue was a "new" thing in modeling one of our local builders wrapped fine wire around a small piece of tubing to make workable springs for shock absorbers for a car kit. He applied a copious amount of said super glue to one end and as he held it with tweezers it popped off and struck him in the eye which he immediately blinked
and the glue ran along his eye lid and glued it closed....quick trip to the ER saved the eye and lid.
Another fellow dumped a bunch in his lap and glued his shorts (it was summer) to his thighs. He went into the shower and ran the water as hot as he could stand it and then jerked
the shorts down. ....needless to say it took a lot of the skin off too. We live and learn !
I knew a guy who used CA a lot in the 80's and because of the recurring contact with it, developed sores on his hands. It's nasty stuff and not to be taken lightly. I'm getting gloves when I start using it.
One day in camp my reading glasses broke at the nose piece. We have dispensing machines the give out glove, batteries, safety glasses etc. One of the slots held Loctite Super Glue so I got a bottle which is very small. After fixing my glasses and finishing my tour, I took the bottle home and tried it on models. Worked great and is very fluid. I've had the bottle for over a year and broke the top off where the cap screws on but the stuff hasn't dried up yet. I went online to look for a price so I could purchase some back-up and was stunned to see $30+ for the bottle, on the right


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