Yes, the Air Force's D-9 has a Ju88 VS11 prop from their extensive Ju88 spares collection. Note the prop pitch on their D-9 is less than the Ju88's low pitch setting (the tips are actually Beta) just to get a reasonable amount of clearance. Someone needs to sponsor this airplane so the Air Force can have someone (Hoffmann ?) make some VS111 blades for it. It's amazing how many people think those are real 190 blades.
PS It's an interesting feature peculiar (I believe) to the Luftwaffe that ALL combat aircraft propellers were fully featherable, not just the ones on multi-engine aircraft. Of course, it's a lot easier when they're electric ...
PPS ... and, like most museum aircraft, the struts are flat! That really winds my rubber bands! Why can't museums put spacers in the struts? Really, I ask you, is that too much?