*** Finished, Bf110G-4, G9+AT, III/NJG1.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Finally got it done, but as it's now so difficult to handle, I damaged a couple of the SN2 di-poles whilst setting up for the pics!
No problem, I'll probably scratch-build some better ones when the model goes on its base. As I'm not officially 'competing', I've been a bit free in interpreting some of the 'extra' pics!
Hope you like it!


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Terry, if you need bits and pieces let me know. As you can see from my 410 thread, I did this exact plane 8 years ago and was half-@ssed about it, leaving off ALOT of bits. I should still have them around.
Thanks very much indeed guys, your compliments are very much appreciated.
How the h*ll I'm going to move the model around I don't know, as there are so many delicate antennas, wires etc., it's very difficult to handle!
Chris, thanks for the offer, if I f**k up on scratch-building the SN2 antenna, I'll give you a shout!
How the h*ll I'm going to move the model around I don't know, as there are so many delicate antennas, wires etc., it's very difficult to handle!

Thats why I'm gonna stick with Me 163s from now on!! :)

Just did a through search through my stash and I can't believe the cr@p I have! Found some bits and found stuff I've been looking for years.
Amazing how that happens! I've been looking for a Bf109 book I know was on top of a cupboard only a few months ago, but can I find it? It'll probably turn up somewhere obvious in another few years!
You wouldn't believe Terry....

A few tubes of unopened Green and white putty, paints that I went to buy for the Reichs build and.... an unopened bottle of Future!!!

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